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"Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. And no one said life would be easy. They just promised. It would be worth it."

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Martians versus Venusians

In this video, comedian David Dean acts out the different behaviors of men and women when they are placed under the same situation.

Humor aside, this video shows how men and women respond differently when they encounter the same situation. This probably reinforces the fact that men are indeed from Mars whereas women are from Venus as highlighted by John Gray.

Not only do men and women interpret things differently, as seen in the video, we also use our language differently. This may be the source of our miscommunication. Robin Lakoff mentioned in her article that women tends to use more tag questions in our language. We are often more polite and negotiable in our conservation. On the other hand, men tend to be more forceful and decisive when making their statements.

This reminds me of the example highlighted by Tannen in her article 'Cant we talk'. Often, women ask questions in their conversation to seek for negotiation. However, most of the time, men will misinterpret this and think that women are unable to make their decision. Hence, they will decide for women instead of initiating a discussion. As a result, miscommunication occurs.

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