Hello stranger. Welcome to this small world of mine.

"Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. And no one said life would be easy. They just promised. It would be worth it."

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I was browsing through the internet when this caught my eye.


1. When we're really sad or upset about something, we want you to sit next to us, hug us, and ask us if we want to talk about it. This goes counter to what most men want, which is to be left alone, but we feel lonely and abandoned when we are obviously upset and our man just breezes past.

2. We like it when you show your affection in front of other people.

3. Call if you're going to be more than 15 minutes late.

4. Don't assume that when we talk about something that's bothering us that we want you to fix the problem or tell us how to fix the problem. Just let us rant awhile and we will feel better.

I shall not continue on with the list but this list kind of reminded me of the lesson I had yesterday.

During our lesson, we read the article "Can't we talk?" by Deborah Tannen and examined the causes of miscommunication between Men and Women.

I enjoyed reading the article as I was able to relate to most of the phenomena highlighted by the writer. I also liked the idea of categorizing the differences between men and women as it made the article organized and easy to read.

Her idea on advice versus understanding caught my attention. It is true that women tend to be more emotional and most of the time, what we want is simply just empathy and a listening ear from the other party. On the hand, men, being more practical and rational, will try their best to offer solution. As a result, miscommunication between the two usually occurs as both parties do not understand the wants of the other party.

To put it simply, I feel that miscommunication often results because men and women do not understand how they are different. That explains why I feel enlightened after reading the article. I have come to realise that men and women have very different traits and conversational style. And a lot of time, we have miscommunication because we misinterpreted the other party’s intention.

As highlighted by Deborah Tannen, when you complain to a man that you are not feeling well, he probably will offer to take you to the doctor to solve the problem. This may inevitably cause you to be infuriated as what you want may simply be a note of concern from him. However, we will need to understand that men are more rational and practical. This will then explain their actions and words. Often, the good intention of the men is neglected as a result of miscommunication.

Perhaps, the best way to solve our miscommunication would be to understand the other’s way of talking. ((:

1 comment:

  1. your conclusion is reasonable and is in fact the ratonale for much "self-help" discussions on gender miscommunication. I wonder why we still have such a lot of miscommunication after decades of writers writing on the subject and millions of readers anxiously reading.
